Skype And Facebook Join Forces With Video
Skype and Facebook announce video calls deal – by TelegraphNews http://bit.ly/asLVMp
5 Social Networking Tips
5 Social Networking Tips To Get The Most Out of Today’ http://biznik.com/h/a5aG – check it! sandyjk
Facebook Users and Like Buttons
Did you know the average Facebook user has 130 friends, but users who click Like buttons have an average of 310? by webtrends http://bit.ly/b7PKmo
Marketing Lessons from a Guy in His Underwear
Marketing Lessons from a Guy in His Underwear by WebProNews http://twe.ly/vCi
Starbucks Using Phones for Marketing
Starbucks to bombard people with money-off vouchers direct to their phones when they pass coffee shops http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1320846/Starbucks-bombard-people-money-vouchers-direct-phones-pass-coffee-shops.html
The Digital Revolution Reaches Libraries
Our libraries must branch out into a world of tweets and blogs http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/internet/8065521/Our-libraries-must-branch-out-into-a-world-of-tweets-and-blogs.html
Finding a common language in the internet world
Finding a common language in the internet world http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/internet/8066940/Finding-a-common-language-in-the-internet-world.html
Your About Page
Five rules for your About page by Seth Godin http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2010/09/five-rules-for-your-about-page.html
The rise of the silver surfer
Still think Social Media is for the young ‘uns? Read ‘The rise of the silver surfer’: How half of women over 55 log on to Facebook http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1321377/The-rise-silver-surfer-How-half-women-55-log-Facebook.html
Own a Cafe, Restaurant or Pub?
Own a Cafe, Restaurant or Pub? Put Your Business On The Map With Foursquare. See http://t.co/OZuS8kD
All Those Friends and Now What?
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. All Those Friends and Now What? http://bit.ly/cnpgtG
Facebook unveils ‘groups’ feature
Facebook unveils ‘groups’ feature http://bbc.in/bfGYep
Why companies watch your every social media move
Why companies watch your every Facebook, YouTube, Twitter move http://bbc.in/a3FCYH
Why does Starbucks want to be your friend on Facebook?
Why does Starbucks want to be your friend on Facebook? Great video from the BBC http://bbc.in/dmuOYL
We’re getting stupid. Are you?
Good software is making us stupid apparently. Or at least it’s quelling our need to think. Imagine for a moment that you have thumbed a ride in one of London’s iconic black cabs. “Where to, guv?” he asks, in typical cockney-twang. You tell him. “No problem – let me just enter that into my sat-nav…” […]
Alreet to Tweet?
Courtesy of @TelegraphNews, Facebook and Twitter ‘helping spread regional dialects’ – http://bit.ly/ao6Cyi
Watch what you say online. The ASA will!
The digital remit of the ASA is to be extended to cover marketing communications online. This is the result of a long and carefully considered project that involved a wide cross-section of UK industry. Read the full article here.