Confidential, Protected and Secure. Oh really?

There are some online Do-It-Yourself email marketing companies that would like you to believe that you are totally safe in their hands. Well think again.

When you submit your database to them, you are at the mercy of them and their strength in protecting your data. And there’s no getting around it. Their charges are based on the size of your subscriber list. So it has to be with them.

Twice in the last 12 months (twice that we’re aware of), one large, well known company’s servers have been hacked into, and data – YOUR data! – has been stolen. And your customers have then been subjected to spam attacks!

December 2009

October 2010

One user’s comment:I’ve fielded many many emails in the last few days from angry and confused readers. While not all will realize why they’re being spammed now some who have set up specific addresses for my newsletters have – and they’re now angry and have a damaged view of my brand (and some have unsubscribed*)“.

So, next time you’re thinking of using a company like this, consider how important your data is to your business. And then consider the possible impact of it getting into the wrong hands.

2nd Impression, apart from offering an affordable bespoke managed service, do not maintain your data online.

Only by not keeping your data online can you be truly secure.

Image credit C. G. P. Grey